Mentions légales

Site internet de l`association

Le site web est édités, développés par l`association Trisomie21 Lë Visual Online SA.

Image Credits

  1. "girl shaking her head" by Johnny McClung
  2. "person wearing brown-and-white shoes jumping" by dylan nolte
  3. "person cutting vegetables with knife" by Alyson McPhee
  4. "women dancing near mirror" by Johnny McClung
  5. "jumping woman" by Eugenia Maximova
  6. "cook cutting vegetables" by Igor Miske
  7. "people inside conference" by Jakob Dalbjörn
  8. "woman standing near yellow wall" by Juan Camilo Navia
  9. "boy standing inside closed room" by Michał Parzuchowski
  10. "two man talking to each other on grass field" by Nathan Anderson
  11. "Woman dancing on stage" by Ahmad Odeh
  12. "Post-its" by Patrick Perkins
  13. "Contact" by Gerd Altmann
  14. "noodle, tomatos,basil" by Daria-Yakovleva
  15. "blue building" Comune de Betzdorf
  16. "colourful building" KuFa Esch-sur-Alzette
  17. "John Langdon Down" wikipedia
  18. "Jérôme Lejeune" wikipedia


Trisomie21 Lëtzebuerg Asbl
Siège : 2b, rue d'Olingen L-6832 Betzdorf

Association : Trisomie21 Lëtzebuerg, association sans but lucratif, service pour personnes ayant une trisomie21.
Reconnu organisme d`utilité publique par arrêté grand-ducal du    
15 juin 2007 R.C. nº F653.
Agréments nos. 2011/7/1 et SICR 2013/3

Contact :

Téléphone : 26 78 74 51