


ALI - All Living Independantly - NEW PROJECT

In 2024, Trisomie21 Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. has started a new project.

It is an ERASMUS+ project.

This means that the project takes place in Europe.

We have worked together with three other countries: Czech Republic, Croatia and Italy.

The project is about developing the autonomy of people with trisomy 21.

This means learning to do things independently. 

In other words, doing things on their own without help.

For example, going shopping at the pharmacy alone.


The project has developed a course.

This course is for parents or carers of people with trisomy 21.

The course is designed to help people with trisomy 21 become independent.


The course is online.

You can find the course on the EDSA website.

EDSA is the European organisation for all trisomy 21 associations in Europe.

You can take part in the course here:


Who can take part in the course: anyone who is interested

What does the course cost: the course is for free

What language is the course in: currently English, but more languages will be added

Where can I contact if I have any questions: Carol or Tiziana from Trisomie21 Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. 


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