Our targets
Trisomie 21 Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l. strives to help people with Down’s Syndrome to live as independent and fulfilled lives as possible by :
- Establishing and maintaining contacts with maternities and rehabilitation centres, and offer help to the concerned families.
- Offering specialised medical assistance to our members and specific professional training to medical staff. Issuing a T21 specific health pass.
- Guidance and help for all persons, children and adults with Down’s Syndrome, an their families.
- Enhancing verbal communication by offering various methods and supporting material.
- Organising meetings and social events for the concerned families.
- Completing and updating our two documentary centres with books, newspapers, videos, CD’s, DVD’s and other.
- Organising specific seminars and workshops for parents and professionals.
- Defending the rights and interests of people with Down’s Syndrome and their families, when and wherever needed, i.e. with the government, organisations or employers.
- Fighting against any form of discrimination hindering the inclusion of people with Down’s Syndrome into today’s society.
- Co-operating with other national and international organisations having the same targets.
Our new targets concern the professional future and living structures for adults and seniors with Down’s Syndrome.